Why Serato CSS?

Well there a lot of cool CSS frameworks out there and really another one shouldn't be built, okay at least for frontend beginner's sake cause there already a lot to learn but, I didn't build this framework in context as the next popular css or anything but these were the stuff I used in my personal projects where I didn't like to use some bloated frameworks or be looking to docs everytime cause I need to recall some class name but instead used my own and I kinda moved it to every new project I would be starting and so decided to make it a full framework after all, though it initally lacked the essential pieces, so I built it with the following in mind.


Serato uses a BEM like flat class naming convention such as"background-green"instead of something like "bg-green" which is not as predictable and easy to remember as the former and this ensures a great developer experience radically cause you won't strech so much to remember the utility class or read it and don't understand what it implies, the gotcha here is dreadful but sematic HTML markup but it's worth the trade off!

Feature Richness

CSS frameworks usaully leave out many cool css tricks and handy stuff like animations yet developers really use them, so I wanted to bring those in as much as possible while still maintaining the weight of the framework to lite.

Not Javascript Dependent!

Some frameworks have taken this road and I also liked it, as the job of css on the web is to control all visual styling of stuff and let javascript control the behavior and todays community has different implementations for doing even the common stuff like dropdowns, but the way they do it in react is not how they would do it in vue or other tech and so why confine them to our own likings by including javascript in a css framework? well javascript is needed in some cases but there you will have your choice to choose how to implement that, I made this to work with every tech stack.

Modern And Community Driven

So am not a CSS god but surely some devs out there are and are willing to share their handy sass mixins to comunity and I grab those and open source them through this framework while giving credit to the inventers, does that sound cool? well thats one of the reason why Serato CSS has emerged, we can all lay our hands on those snappy CSS codepen snipets from a single framework, and this framework is totally built for the modern age using flex and grid for layouts not floats, clears or tables and it uses the latest css features eg. clamp, where, is, container queries and other verified css features!